About Ushankar Trust

“What to cry, what to sing, nothing is spared,
Stays together yet doesn’t stay with anything,
Change your destination, never change your destination,
The traveler of truth holding the path of truth,
Reach yourself Took the light of a luminous life.
Introduction to Trust
Ushankar Charitable and Educational Trust has been playing an active role in the charitable and educational world since September 2021, after being duly registered on April 10, 2022, one year successfully on April 10, 2023, dedicated towards the education of the poor, needy, deprived and needy. At present Shishu Rupi Trust is moving towards progress with the cooperation of all of you, whose first annual festival was celebrated on 02 and 03 June by organizing various programs. Ushankar Charitable and Educational Trust was established on the ground on 10 April 2022, it is a family trust.

Why was the trust formed and
why was the trust named "Ushankar"?

Why was the trust formed and why was the trust named "Ushankar"? In fact, full of very simple, easy-going, tolerant Indian culture, completely devoted to the path of God, not only concerned for human beings but also for birds and animals, who always keeps a smile on her lips, we all have a blessed mother, Mrs. Usha Sohane, whom in worldly life, father, Mr. Shankarlal Sohane got strength in the form of a life partner and at a young age he not only crossed his life path smoothly holding the string of smiling Mohan due to the change of his life partner in separation, but also helped his daughters to reach high positions. Inspite of being a woman of very normal nature in social life, she became the main motivator and by walking on the path of spirituality, she became an example for many women with problems, giving the impression of motherhood Mamtamayi Sarita. You got the honor of becoming the first president of the temple which was built by motivating all the people of the colony by yourself, with interest in the social sector as well as in the religious sector. Due to this sociability, cheerful, soft nature and service, many considered him as their social teacher by following in his footsteps and many made their lives strong. Similarly, father Shri Shankarlal Sohane, whose heart and mind always had the feeling of serving the poor, the underprivileged and the sense of sensitivity towards them and the co-operative attitude flourished and blossomed, we sisters received the quality of service since childhood and this quality Ushankar Charitable and Educational Trust was given the form of Ushankar Charitable and Educational Trust, with a view to progressively increasing the path shown by the parents, to the complex of utmost cooperation and dedication of the brother-in-laws, brother-in-laws connected through marital life with sisters, under social relations with very virtuous families. This is the reason why the name of the trust was given as "Ushankar" by combining the names of the parents i.e. Usha$shankar. In the presence of Shankar i.e. knowledge, dedication towards charitable and educational works is giving the same message (symbol) of the trust.


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